Monday, May 9, 2016

Game Theory

After playing Prisoner's dilemma, I felt as if I really didn't learn anything. I understand that the objective is to try to cooperate with another individual to meet an objective or meet in the middle. It seems like this type of stuff can happen in reality, but the game really didn't help explain it.

 Nash equilibrium- A stable state of a system involving the interaction of different participants, in which no participant can gain by a unilateral change of strategy if the strategies of the others remain unchanged.

Game theory- A theory which focuses on the interaction of groups or individuals. It looks into the depths of social interaction

Prisoner dilemma- A situation in which two people whose depends on the choices made by the other. If both confess, it could be bad for both unless some remain silent.

Prisoner's Dilemma/Game Theory

In history: The Cold War and each side had the choice to arm or disarm

In Government: International Negotiations

In economics: Negotiating

related to sociology:Putting blame on another minority group a.k.a Germans blaming the Jews

related to psychology: Making a good impression a first date
In your everyday life: Overfishing

Wednesday, May 4, 2016

Gary Webb

Was Gary Webb a journalism hero or zero? In my opinion, he was a hero. He went into uncharted territory and uncovered truths that many people had a hard time to swallow. He was under a lot of fire for his work of "Dark Alliance", which was a three part news report that uncovered that our national government pitched in money for drug deals and guns in Nicaragua. Everyone pointed their fingers and discredited him of his work and called him a liar and he had no good proof of any of that actually happening. This whole situation forced Gary to resign from his position from the Mercury Sun News and years later took his own life.
Webb's Dark Alliance discovered that the CIA took part in drug trafficking and illegal drug trade. When drug leaders testified in court, they admitted that the CIA even threw some money into the whole deal. Webb wasn't the first person to know about it, but he was certainly the first to dig deep into it and uncover more truths about it. Any situation where you talk about a huge intelligence agency or anything government and their involvement in some type of conspiracy will always be heated. Gary Webb was only telling the dark secrets of our government and CIA and later paid for all of it by being thrown under a bus and being brushed off in the journalism world. Anyone who can discover any dark confidential information about what our government has done or been involved in should be given some sort of credit. It was unfortunate a guy like Gary Webb was basically thrown off the face of the planet for his work. He really showed the world how our government can be questionable in some of their decisions they make. It just makes the American citizen more skeptical about our government and the officials that are part of it. An American citizen like Gary Webb only wanted the truth, and when he finally found it, he paid the price by being shunned and unfortunately would leave his family behind by suicide. But was it suicide or could it be that the government killed him off? I wouldn't doubt it after viewing the conspiracies our government has been part of in the past, but I guess the American citizen will really know the truth.