Monday, April 25, 2016


On November 22, 1963, the President of the United States John F. Kennedy was assassinated in Dallas, where he was in a parade. This event will go down in infamy and be known as one of the biggest cover-ups of all time. After watching the movie JFK, it's really scary to think about what hidden secrets exist amongst public domain. In 1963, Lyndon B. Johnson set up an investigation regarding the assassination of President Kennedy. This is known as the Warren Commission. The 888 page report came to the conclusion that Lee Harvey Oswald was the lone perpetrator in the plot to kill Kennedy. This was met with doubt and a heavy load of criticism. The way Kennedy was shot and how the bullet traveled made it seem as if there were more than one person firing a gun. People began crying conspiracy. Eventually the HSCA (United States House Select Committee on Assassinations) came to the conclusion that Lee Harvey wasn't the lone gunman and Kennedy was killed in a conspiracy   So many theories exist out there on who was the real mastermind of the demise of JFK, but no one really knows who was the real brains of this operation. From Fidel Castro to LBJ to the CIA, there are theories that will forever float around the skeptical atmosphere until proven otherwise.

This event may have not been the first of America to shed some innocence off, but a huge chuck came off with this. This whole JFK assassination affected us in a psychological and sociological light. Many Americans put the burden on them that the President was killed and that they were all involved in violence. It put many in shock and made citizens open their eyes and question what our government, a body of people that we trust to run our country, was presenting to the American people with reference to JFK's death. Events like these make the citizen of a country that was based off of justice and integrity paranoid and skeptical. It made individuals around the world stop and think for a while. The future for those next in line for the President changed course, as more protection precautions would be taken so it looked like the government actually cares. It wasn't the first time a President was assassinated during their presidency, it was however one of the first assassinations to be a conspiracy and be questioned by many if the government had anything to do with the death of their leader. The slaying of JFK changed things forever.

When we talk about conspiracies, one event that might come up that could be a possible conspiracy is 9/11. While we are led to believe that it was an act of terrorism, some believe that it was actually a government cover-up in order to have an excuse to fight over in the Middle East so we can obtain their energy resources for a period of time. There is an argument about the towers and how they were destroyed. Science says that jet fuel can't melt steel beams and therefore the towers were part of a set-up demolition. It would be a shame if this was actually an inside job due to how many innocent lives were lost that day. It would be pretty low if America had to do that just to have a reason to do something. I think there were people that thought 9/11 was their fault, but that's a common stage in the grief process, believing they could have done something. It was misfortunate and unexpected event, just like the JFK assassination. Both incidents have a plethora of questions left unanswered and will forever have skeptics looking for the right answers.

Out of all the theories of JFK being killed, I believe the Lyndon B. Johnson had Kennedy killed off. He was seen to be smiling after being sworn in and heard saying "We got him," which may refer to them killing of JFK. Plus, it only makes since he was the Vice President and wanted to take over the reins of being one of the most powerful positions in the world. When it comes to Robert Kennedy, I don't know who the main culprit for his demise, but I believe that too was also a government cover-up. The Kennedys were powerful, influential figures that, in my opinion, were feared by our U.S. government. When Robert went down, only more confusion was created. In 1969, another influential figure was killed, Martin Luther King Jr. The government makes plots to kill off the most influential revolutionaries of our time. America is afraid of change or people who have the potential to change things for the better. Also, these men both have a K at the end of their initials: JFK, RFK, MLK. Coincidence? I think yes. It's all part of the government's plan to create conspiracy, for liberty and justice for all.

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