Tuesday, April 26, 2016

Are You Smart or Dumb? Emotional or Intellectual?

1. Your score on the test.  Does this score have any meaning? No, it's just some random test on the internet that can't really measure what you know or don't know.

2. Your impression of the validity and reliability of the test. Is the score an accurate measurement of intelligence?  Use the psychological definition of validity and reliability found in your textbook.  Be specific. No! It doesn't have the right to record the mental capacity of a human being.

A.  What is intelligence? - Ability to learn and understand and gain knowledge.

B.  Which is more important:  emotional intelligence or intellectual intelligence?  Present reasons to support your answer.  Choose one side. I don't even know anymore. According to some random I.Q. Test found on the internet, I don't have a very high intellectual capacity so therefore neither intelligence would relate to me. I scored alright according to emotional intelligence so at least I know what others may be feeling.

C.  Is intelligence learned or inherited? I believe it's both. Smart runs in the family, but I believe a person can become smart if one applies themselves hard enough.

D.  What did you learn about yourself after completing these tests? I'm dumb and maybe being a fry-cook at McDonald's would be the best suitable job based off of my intellectual abilities. I do have an okay sense of emotional intelligence. 

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