Wednesday, September 30, 2015

I Plead the 5th & 10th

The 5th gives rights to the accused. You do not have to testify against yourself and can't be tried twice for the same crime. This amendment is known for the one that gives you the right to remain silent. It also protects private property being taken by the government.You've probably heard people say "I plead the fifth" before. This amendment was introduced on the date of September 5, 1789 but the idea of the fifth amendment states back to 1215 document Magna Carta. The Founding Fathers created this amendment so all the accused has rights and protection, unlike how the British treated their way of crime and investigation. This amendment is still heavily used today because we still have a court system and people go to court everyday. People are not being tried two times for the same crime just because the government may want different results. This amendment is over 200 years old yet it is still very important.

Our 10th amendment is based of the concept of federalism. It states the Federal Government has powers that the constitution gives while the remaining powers remains with the states and the people. This would be the last of the Bill of Rights. It was ratified December 15, 1791. It was created to fend off anti-Federalists and their intellect and persistence. Just like any of the Bill of Rights, federalism is still used today. Our government is based off of a federalism platform.

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