Wednesday, October 14, 2015

Civilized or Savage?

Monsters do exist. There not the big, hairy creatures that hide under your kids' bed or maybe camps out in the closet and watches you slumber. The monsters that exist are the humans that are all around us and who we interact with everyday. Humans can be scarier and even more mean than any stereotypical monster. Every human being all have qualities that might scare other. Each human has differences that may make someone uncomfortable. It's kind of like going back to norms and stereotypes and how each stereotype group together because they are most comfortable with those qualities in a person. We can be mean to people who are different and only accept the ones who bring comfort. We are monsters. The monsters live within ourselves.

If we can't separate our civilized self from our savage self, which one will take over? As human beings, we have the conscious mind to decide how we act. We can act well-mannered and what society accepts or you can act as a complete beast and follow your darkest desires that lie deep inside of you. We all want to do what we desire, but sometimes our desires are not acceptable. It all depends on what type of person you are. If you got desires within yourself that are more savage, then your savage side will most likely be more apparent. Hopefully there isn't feeling you have that would turn you into a beast, but sometimes people are not what they seem.

We can all be a savage at times. Bullying can be looked upon as an act of savagery. We don't rip our bullied apart physically but we rip them apart mentally, leaving them scarred emotionally. Like I said earlier, we as humans are all monsters. It's just a matter of time where civilization will be all types of screwed.  

1 comment:

  1. I agree that savagery can be applied emotionally, not just physically. I'm curious though, why do humans commit savage acts against others when society punishes them for it. In some people is the savagery stronger than the conformity.
