Wednesday, November 11, 2015

Happy Veteran's Day

First and foremost, I would just like to thank every veteran who have served their time in the military and courageously fighting to preserve our freedom. Without any of you, we wouldn't be the country we are today. Happy Veteran's Day!
Now onto the debate for today. Today's debate is brought you by the letter M. What are my thoughts on murder charges during a war? Lt. Clint Lorance was sentenced to twenty years for misconduct. He violated a rule of ceasing fire unless they have evidence of hostile action or intent. Clint ordered his band to open fire on three men on a motorcycle that was headed right toward them; not intending to stop. Not only did he get jail time, but his pay was forfeited and was dismissed from the military. Please free this man. All he was doing was protecting himself and his men from potential danger. Last time I checked, people die in wars all the time. Death is going to happen in a war. People are going to kill other people in the war. No, murder charges should not allowed in war situations. Protect yourself in any aspect before you get wrecked by your enemy. If were in Clint's situation at that moment, what would you do? Soldiers are under so much pressure during scenarios like that so it's their right to act upon whatever they might see as a threat. Honestly, I would probably tell my men to open fire if I felt as if they were intending to do harm on me. George Zimmerman shot Trayvon Martin because he thought he was a threat, but George was found innocent and is roaming the streets freely as we speak.
"Citizenship is a duty, not a privilege." Yes and no. We should be privileged to our liberties that we are all given, but it's not all fun and games. It is our duty to abide by the rules and try to keep good morals. We are obligated to do these things thanks to our troops. Hope everyone has a good Veteran's Day and God bless.


  1. Thanks for the shout out to vets and the interest in this. I just wanted to clear a couple things up. For starters the bike was not heading "right towards [us]" and would not have reached us. Second, that's not "all he was doing". You don't have to take my word as an eyewitness, I've included an article that was written by a local reporter during the trial detailing the charges and the actions that led to those charges. I hope you find it informative. Thanks in advance for reading!

